8 Things Successful People Do.

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Career resourceSuccess is something we all strive for and hope to see in our lifetime. I’ve compiled some of the things that are common among most successful people. These are habits, that if implemented, will only lead to more success in your personal and professional life.

  1. Surround yourself with like-minded people

    If you hang out with people that lack drive you will lack drive. If you hang out with people that are always trying new things you too will try new things. It is extremely important that you do your best to surround yourself with people that are going in a direction you hope to be in. Mentors are great individuals to keep around.

  2. Have a plan and refine it constantly

    It is not enough to make a new years resolution once a year and have it collect dust throughout the year. Successful people make plans daily. What are 5 things you need to accomplish today? Write it down, and do it.

  3. Step out of their comfort zone

    Your comfort zone is the enemy of progress. No one ever became a millionaire by staying in the comfort zone. Real growth comes from hard work and sweat, so don’t be afraid to go against the grain and do something different.

  4. Keep learning

    Those who realize that there is always something new to learn tend to get further in life. Education is a journey, not a destination, so keep in mind your degrees can only take you so far. Strive to learn one new skill every week.

  5. Don’t let others determine your destiny

    You have to stop caring about what others think of you or want for you. The most important opinion of yourself is yours. People will always discourage you from your dream. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail is that those who succeed take heed but keep moving to their own rhythm. We wouldn’t all be going crazy over Apple if Steve Jobs listened to all the people who said he wouldn’t make it.

  6. Motivate yourself

    You don’t have to wait for someone to tell you “good job” to feel good about yourself. It is your duty to motivate yourself on a daily basis. Tell yourself you can do it, encourage yourself to go the extra mile, look in the mirror daily and admire all the potential you have in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself why should anyone else believe in you?

  7. Learn from your failure

    Success doesn’t usually happen overnight. It takes many doses of trial and error. How one handles failure is what separates successful individuals from the unsuccessful. The key is not allowing those failures to discourage you. Take them as lessons of what not to do again. Keep in my the famous saying of St. John “Failure can be heartbreaking, and when it happens you have a choice. You can let it be your school or your funeral.”

  8. Be accountable

    Truly successful people are accountable for you actions or lack thereof. It’s easy to make excuses or place the blame on others but it’s much more valuable to take responsibility for your actions. Success does not just come to people who want it but to those who work hard to ensure they get it. No excuses.

These are just a few of the things that successful people do to stay ahead. It’s not all about intelligence and money. Persistence and determination can take you just as far. Take each day as an opportunity to move closer to your dream. Try something new, and if it doesn’t work, it’s ok, try something else.  The only thing standing between you and your dreams is you. Today is the day for you to take your first step towards success. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today.


Author: JoeSandra Odunze

Sandra is a marketing professional and founder of Corporate Minority. She has a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and Ethnic Studies and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with a concentration in Management and Marketing. With an understanding that one's education can only take them so far, she founded the Corporate Minority to help young professionals beginning and striving to advance in their career. She doesn't claim to know it all but she hopes that through this platform others can also share the keys to success.

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