Work Life Balance? Forget About It!

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How many of you have told yourself or future employees about the great work life balance that your company has to offer? (Sliding down guilty in my seat). For a good part of my career, I subscribed to this theory only to find that I had no idea what it really meant. I would come into work early, leave late, work on my off days and feel guilty about even requesting time off. I took so much pride in being present, that I often wasn’t really present.

During this time, I found myself stressed at work, busy but unproductive and inefficient to say the least. I decided to take some time away from work (for real this time) to find the balance. Here is what I discovered. I took so much pride in being present, that I often wasn’t really present.

Coming in early and working late doesn’t increase productivity

When I was taking this approach, I thought I was out performing my peers. I thought I was proving myself to be a much harder worker, more committed and more dedicated. What I didn’t know was that I was showing my boss that I didn’t know how to maximize my time during the work hours. I was away from my family for much longer hours that I needed to be and I wasn’t really doing anything productive with all the extra time I was spending at work.

The work will STILL be there when I get back

Take the time off- you’ve earned it. The work you have will be there when you get back, trust me. I would find myself taking a few days off only to continue checking emails, and occasionally responding. I wasn’t really off work. I would say “I don’t want to come back to work with all these emails”. It was just an excuse to remain plugged in. Instead of enjoying my time off, I was worried about the things going on at the office. Don’t fall prey to thinking that the company will crash and burn in your absence. Guess what- It won’t. You are an amazing asset I’m sure, but the train will keep moving while you take a much-needed break.

I produce the best when I am my best

Let’s think for a minute about athletes. Even they have an offseason; a recovery period. And when the season kicks off, they bring their A game. What I am saying here is that you will inevitably produce lackluster work if you are not at your best. Take some recovery time and notice how different you feel when you return back to work.

As I continue in my career, I recognize how important it is to take care of your work but even more important to take care of yourself. I think Matthew Kelly sums this all up perfectly when he says,

“Work life balance is not an entitlement or benefit. Your company cannot give it to you. You have to create it for yourself”.   

Author: Cari Hawthorne

Cari is the founder of the Corporate Corner with MBA, PHR, and SHRM-CP. The Corporate Corner is a platform that I hope to use as a means of educating people to navigate Corporate America.

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