Corporate Minority - how to stay motivated on your journey to success

How to Stay Motivated as You Climb the Ladder of Success

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Everyone aims to reach their success point. There are numerous differences and similarities in each person’s journey to success. But today I want to focus on one difference and similarity as I answer how to stay motivated in your professional journey.

The Definition of Success is Subjective

The obvious difference is that everyone’s views on what success is are going to be totally different. With that being said everyone’s goals and journey of reaching those goals will be different as well. The only thing that in most situations is similar, is the motivation needed to reach your success point. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to become a firefighter or a famous movie star; everyone needs to stay motivated to reach their highest point.

Motivation Plays A Part In Everyone’s Success

Motivation always plays a part in a person’s journey because not every day is going to be peaches n’ cream as some would say. There will be some days where all the answers you get are ‘no’ instead of ‘yes’. Somedays you may not even be up to do your to-do list, you just want to rest and chill out. For some people, they can get right back up like its nothing and keep the ball rolling. But most humans get in a rut every now and again and need a little pick me up. That’s where the motivation comes in.

Refine Your Mindset

People ask me all of the time how you can stay motivated climbing up the ladder of success, and I just tell them to refine your mindset. What I mean by that is, if your mind is focused on something then that’s normally what your day will flow around.

For example, if you are focused on the fact that you just got cut from a casting call yesterday, therefore, you don’t want to do anything the rest of the day, you will most likely not do anything the rest of that day. But if your mindset is that you will brush that casting call off and move onto the next one, your day will probably be filled with you doing research on the next opportunity. You’re only going to effectively do what you tell your mind to do. So why not motivate it and tell it to push forward no matter the situation you’re in, good or bad.

Push Forward

The main reason people become successful is that they continue to push forward. You cannot make it to your level of success focusing on something that happened to you a level behind you. Now there are other things you can add to refining your mindset, you need to refine your mindset to even want to do other motivational things. Like watch a motivational video, exercise, research your next gig, or even travel. Everyone has their own special creamer to add to the main office coffee flavor. Just make sure it’s something that works best for you, and you always catch yourself when you see you’re moving backward.

Climbing the ladder of success is not easy, and no one said that it would be. But with anything in this life, you will always need to refine your mind and keep a positive outlook. That’s the key to staying motivated.

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Author: Kenya Smith

Kenya Marie is a motivational influencer on social media, mainly through Instagram. She is better known as “The Girl With The Playbook - For Your Life”, posting uplifting videos weekly. As a senior marketing student at NC A&T and graduating in December, it is her goal to continue spreading the positivity. And decreasing the amount of bad days people around the world have one video at a time.

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